Monday, December 8, 2008

"What the... hell?"

Grey can feel his head spin as he surveys the room. Like the other rooms in the mansion, the inside of the clock tower is disproportionately large compared to what he saw outside. However, it isn't the size of the place that confuses him.

From top to bottom, the room is filled with weights, gears, springs, and countless other mechanical parts. Several of the gears seem to span over ten feet; the smaller ones are about the size of his head. Some of them seem to be turning at regular intervals, while others are completely stopped. It's like being inside a giant clock designed by either a madman, or a genius.

There are far too many parts in this place to assume that they are only used for the clock visible outside. They must serve another purpose. But what can such a strange set of machinery be used for?

"Let's see," Grey mutters to himself. "That gear spins the one on the right, which turns the leftmost gear clockwise and the smaller one counterclockwise. The leftmost gear seems to be winding a spring that is connected somewhere behind that huge gear. The smaller one seems to be spinning in time with the one above it. Then..."

He takes a few minutes to try to analyze the machines, but everything just seems far too complicated.

"And... I lost track," he says aloud in frustration. Grey shakes his head.

It'll take hours for a genius to figure this out, and he isn't a genius.

He takes a few steps closer to look around. While he doesn't understand how the machinery works, there seem to be a few things he can play around in the room.

To the left, there seems to be a set of cranks that are within reach. He can see four cranks of varying size and length. To the right, there seems to be a large lever. There is an aged poster on the wall beside it. On the far left corner, there is a pile of broken mechanical parts. The pile is high enough to cover something behind or underneath it. On the far right corner, there seems to be a door that you didn't notice earlier.

Grey pauses.

[ ] Mess around with the cranks on the left. Maybe something will change?
[ ] Pull the lever on the right. Maybe something new will happen.
[ ] Search the pile of parts on the far left. Could find something unusual.
[ ] Check out the door on the far right corner. Where does it go?
[ ] Continue walking around the room. Don't touch anything.
[ ] Leave the room. This is a waste of time.
[ ] Examine something closely. (Specify)
[ ] Custom

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