Monday, February 16, 2009

"Lady Remilia! Are you alright?" cries Sakuya.

"Sakuya? Grey?" replies Remilia. "What are you two doing here?"

"We came to help," says Grey. "Where is -"

Without warning, a wave of fire comes upon them. The two humans crumple down on the ground. They can feel the searing heat approaching. This power will kill them for sure, Grey thinks.

But after a few moments, the heat subsides. Sakuya and Grey open their eyes to find Remilia standing in front of them, her wings and arms raised to shield them from the attack. The vampire's body seems to be badly burned. Both of her hands are little more than black charred stumps.

"Lady Remilia!" cries Sakuya in despair.

Grey watches open-mouthed as the vampire starts regenerating before his eyes. In mere seconds, her injuries are completely healed. The only sign of damage are the few burnt parts of her dress, which seem to be made of some damage-resistant material. But that isn't the reason he froze. Her eyes are filled with fury as she looks straight at him.

"You useless fools! You'll both be killed down here!" she shouts angrily.

Before he can reply, Remilia grabs him by the neck and throws him back into the hallway outside. He flinches in pain as his back hits the ground. Grey lies on the ground, unmoving, as he waits for his body to recover.

"But Lady Remilia, we just came to-"

Suddenly, Remilia slaps her on the face. The sound of the blow echoes along the hallways, somehow silencing the noisy battle inside. For a single moment, Grey watches Sakuya stand in shock in front of the vampire. Then in the next, Sakuya is kneeling over him, her long silver hair hiding her face.

"We should go," she whispers quietly.

Grey sits up and looks over her shoulders. From the air thick with ashes and fire comes a small figure. It flaps it's strange wings of gems and metal a few times to shake off some dust before speaking.

"Big sister! The smelly things stopped moving," says Flandre. "And there's a weird guy coming our way!"

Another humanoid figure walks from the shadows. Wrapped completely in bandages from head to toe, the shadowy man walks towards the vampires, carrying something long in his hand. Even the man's eyes are wrapped in bandages, as if he could see without using his eyes.

Remilia has a strange smile on her face, as if recognizing the person. She turns back at the humans for a moment.

"Help the others," she says sternly. "That's an order."

Before they can reply, Remilia strikes upon the walls with her fists. The ceiling begins to crash down, sealing the entrance to the basement chamber with rocks and debris. It will take them hours to dig their way through it.

Grey struggles to his feet and puts a hand on Sakuya's shoulder. She still seems to be in shock.

Where should they go next?
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