Saturday, November 1, 2008

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[X] Wait in Keine's office for the class to end.


Grey nods to himself as he makes a decision. He is sure Keine would know about the villagers' odd behaviour, but she might not be able to discuss it in front of the children. After all, their parents live and work in the village. He needs to talk to her in private. It may turn out to be nothing, but the way the villagers are acting is strange. In any case, hanging around outside or at the back of the classroom might just creep her out. He doesn't want to be mistaken for a stalker.

He makes his way inside the school. Keine should have some kind of office to do paperwork or discuss things with the parents. After a bit of walking around, he finds a door with a sign "Principal's Office". As he enters, he wonders if there are other teachers in the school.

The room looks like a typical educator's office. On the walls, he can see a world map, a few educational posters, and some framed certificates. Near the right corner of the room are several filing cabinets. One of them has its drawer open, revealing it to be full of student records. There is a large desk in the center with a metallic nameplate on it that reads "Keine Kamishirasawa". Behind the desk is a cushy looking chair. In front of the desk are a pair of wooden chairs meant for guests. There is a single potted plant positioned by the left corner of the room.

Grey takes a seat on one of the wooden chairs and waits. Keine doesn't seem to be coming any time soon.

[ ] Look around, but don't touch anything.
[ ] Search the room, including the desk drawers and cabinets.
[ ] Wait patiently in the room.
[ ] Head to Keine's classroom.
[ ] Explore the school.
[ ] Custom

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